Darren Cooper – Director – Interspace Building Services Limited

As many people know I started in the design industry over 27 years ago (I know a seriously long time ago!). Back then I was a very young adult not too sure about what I wanted for my future…

I started on a youth training scheme and when this came to an end worked on site for a while. This gave me the grounding and understanding for what is involved in the actual bones of any project before transferring to the office full time to then design and run various projects.

When I first started out all those years ago all of the design work was done manually on a rather large drawing board (my 1st one I still own and has a place in my office today I am proud to say!). Most designs are now completed on the computer but I still get clients asking for manual sketch facilities and I am always happy to help, even after all this time I still get that buzz from completing the designs to my clients specifications.

Time has ticked by and things have changed a lot during the years. I got married, had my family and set up my own Heating Ventilation and Design business which is now approaching its 14th year. I now have staff that are all on board with the future of Interspace Building Services and wherever possible invest in their futures too.

I have never forgotten where my training started and hold all of my past employers in the highest regard as they gave me the confidence and grounding to be where I am today. I stay in touch with these businesses and help them along their way should they require assistance.

Is my job easy? NO

Do I still love my job? YES!